Category Archives: Solaris

How to change the Solaris Shell to Bash

“sh is a command language described by the POSIX standard. It has many implementations (ksh88, dash, …). bash can also be considered an implementation.

Another point of view on bash is that it is a separate language, a dialect of sh. Indeed it supports huge number of features beyond POSIX specification.”

Personally, I like bash over sh. But on Solaris 10, sh is the default shell. So, in this post, I will show you that how to change the shell from sh to bash.

First verify the shell for current  user (In my case, it’s arbab):

grep arbab /etc/passwd

Now switch to root user and enter the following command:

usermod  -s  /usr/bin/bash arbab

Now go back as user arbab(that’s for me, you will use your’s) and verify the change:

grep arbab /etc/passwd

We are done 🙂

Hope this will help you!

Please Remember me in your prayers!

Step by step installation of Solaris 10

Insert the Solaris DVD and select the “Solaris” from “Grub Menu” and press Enter:

Select the “1”  and press Enter:

Select Language:

Press Enter within 30 seconds:

Again press Enter:

Press 0 in order to select English as the system language:

Click “Next:

Select the “Networked” and click “Next“:

Decide here, that you want to use DHCP or manual ip address, I am going to use manual ip address:

Enter the hostname and click “Next“:

Enter the Ip address:

Enter “Netmask“:

Select “Yes” if you want to enable IPv6 but I will not use it:

Select “Default Route”:

Enter the default route information (Ip address):

I will select “No” for Kerberos Security, if you want to use it then select “Yes”:

Select your “Name Service” option, mine is “None“:

Select “NFSv4 Domain Name“:

Select “Time Zone“:

Select your country:

Confirm “Date & Time” and click “Next“:

Enter password for “root” user and click “Next“:

Select “Yes” and click “Next“:

Confirm the “Summary” by clicking on “Confirm“:

Click “Next” to proceed for the next installation tasks:

Accept the default setting by clicking “Next” then press “OK” to continue:

Specify Media:

It will show you the initialization screen:

Accept the “License“:

Select “Type of Install“:

Click “Install Now to begin the installation:

Installation will begin:

Installation will take sometime or a lot of time to finish, after reboot, it will ask for username and password:

Select your desired Desktop Environment:

After selection, it will present you with your desired desktop environment:

Now we will configure the internet access on our Solaris 10:

I am using googleDNS, you can use your local or other public dns:

Edit the “nsswitch.conf” file for name service configuration:

Edit this line like this:

Finally, Internet connectivity test:

Hope this will help you!

Please Remember me in your prayers!

Enjoy 🙂